spike.plugins package


spike.plugins.Fitter module

set of function for Peak fitter

Very First functionnal - Not finished !

requires the Peaks plugin installed

July 2016 M-A Delsuc

class spike.plugins.Fitter.FitTests(methodName='runTest')[source]

Bases: unittest.case.TestCase

Test for fitter, assumes Peaks plugin is loaded

spike.plugins.Fitter.Lor(Amp, Pos, Width, x)[source]

One Lorentzian Param contains in sequence Amp_i, Pos_i, Width_i

spike.plugins.Fitter.Spec(Param, x)[source]

x is the spectral coordinates Param contains in sequence Amp_i, Pos_i, Width_i all coordinates are in index

spike.plugins.Fitter.cSpec(x, *Param)[source]
spike.plugins.Fitter.cdSpec(x, *Param)[source]
spike.plugins.Fitter.dLor(Amp, Pos, Width, x)[source]
spike.plugins.Fitter.dSpec(Param, x, y=None)[source]

Param contains in sequence Amp_i, Pos_i, Width_i

spike.plugins.Fitter.dToFit(Param, x, y)[source]
spike.plugins.Fitter.display_fit(npkd, **kw)[source]

displays the result of the fit accept the same arguments than display()

spike.plugins.Fitter.fit(npkd, zoom=None)[source]

fit the 1D npkd data-set for Lorentzian line-shape current peak list is used as an initial values for fitting Only peaks within the zoom windows are fitted

fitting is contraint from the initial values
  • intensity will not allowed to change by more than x0.5 to x2

  • positions by more than 5 points

  • width by more than x5

(constraints work only for scipy version >= 0.17 )

It may help to use centroid() to pre-optimize the peak list before calling fit(), or calling fit() twice (slower)

spike.plugins.Fitter.residu(Params, x, y)[source]

The residue function, returns a vector Ycalc(Params) - y_experimental can be used by leastsq

spike.plugins.Fitter.simulate(npkd, zoom=None)[source]

Simulate the 1D npkd data-set using the content of the Peak List replace the current data-set

spike.plugins.Fitter.tofit(Params, x, y)[source]

calls the residue function, and return sum( residue**2 ) can be used by minimize

spike.plugins.Linear_prediction module

plugin for the Linear Prediction algos into NPKDATA

class spike.plugins.Linear_prediction.LinpredicTests(methodName='runTest')[source]

Bases: unittest.case.TestCase


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.


testing log

spike.plugins.Linear_prediction.lpext(npkd, final_size, lprank=10, algotype='burg')[source]

extends a 1D FID or 2D FID in F1 up to final_size, using lprank coefficients, and algotype mode

spike.plugins.Linear_prediction.lpext1d(npkd, final_size, lprank=10, algotype='burg')[source]

extends the current FID up to final_size, using lprank coefficients, and algotype mode

spike.plugins.Linear_prediction.lpext2d(npkd, final_size, lprank=10, algotype='burg')[source]

extends a 2D FID in F1 up to final_size, using lprank coefficients, and algotype mode

spike.plugins.Peaks module

set of function for Peak detections and display - 1D and 2D

Very First functionnal - Not finished !

Peak1D and Peak2D are simple objects

with attributes like Id, label, intens(ity), pos(ition), or width the only added method is report() (returns a string)

Peak1DList and Peak2DList are python list, with a few added methods
  • report (to stdio or to a file)

  • largest sort in decreasing order of intensity
    other sorts can simply done by peaklist.sort(key = lambda p: p.XXX)

    where XXX is any peak attribute (see largest code)

Example of usage:

# assuming d is a 2D NPKData / 1D will be just as simple d.pp() # computes a peak picking over the whole spectrum using 3 x standard_deviation(d)

# This is just a detection of all local maxima

# We can be more specific: d.pp(threshold=5E5, zoom=((700,1050),(300,350)) ) # zoom is always in the currently active unit, defined with d.unit

# this attached the peak list to the dataset as d.peaks, # it is a list of Peaks2D objects, with some added properties print( “number of detected peaks: %d” % len(d.peaks))

p0 = d.peaks[0] # peaks have label, intensity and positions attributes

print( p0.report() ) # and a report method

# report has an additional format parameter which enables control on the output

# we can call centroid to improve the accuracy and move the position to center of a fitted (2D) parabola d.centroid()

# The peak list can be displayed on screen as simple crosses d.display_peaks()

# The label can be modififed for specific purposes: for p in d.peaks:

if 150 < p.posF2 < 1500 :

p.label = “%.2f x %.f”%(p.posF1,p.posF2) # for instance changing to the coordinates for a certain zone


p.label = “” # and removing elsewhere


# peak lists can also be reported d.report_peak()

# but also as a formatted stream, and redirected to a file: output = open(“my_peak_list.csv”,”w”) # open the file output.write(“# LABEL, INTENSITY, F1, Width, F2, width”) d.report_peak(file=output, format=”{1}, {4:.2f}, {2:.7f}, {5:.2f}, {3:.7f}, {6:.2f}”)

# arguments order order is id, label, posF1, posF2, intensity, widthF1, widthF2


Sept 2015 M-A Delsuc

class spike.plugins.Peaks.Peak(Id, label, intens)[source]

Bases: object

a generic class to store peaks defines : Id a unique integer intens The intensity (the height of the largest point) area The area/volume of the peak label a string intens_err The uncertainty of the previous values area_err ..

class spike.plugins.Peaks.Peak1D(Id, label, intens, pos, pos_err=0.0, width=0.0, width_err=0.0)[source]

Bases: spike.plugins.Peaks.Peak

a class to store a single 1D peak defines in addition to Peak pos position of the peak in index relative to the typed (real/complex) buffer width width of the peak in index pos_err uncertainty of the previous values width_err …

full_format = '{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, '
report(f=<function _identity>, format=None)[source]

print the peak list f is a function used to transform the coordinate indentity function is default, for instance you can use something like peaks.report(f=s.axis1.itop) to get ppm values on a NMR dataset order is “id, label, position, intensity”

parameters are : Id label positions intens width intens_err pos_err width_err in that order.

By default returns only the 4 first fields with 2 digits, but the format keyword can change that. format values: - None or “report”, the standard value is used: “{}, {}, {:.2f}, {:.2f}”

(so only the four first parameters are shown)

  • “full” is all parrameters at full resolution ( “{}; “*8 )

  • any othe string following the format syta will do.

    you can use any formating syntax. So for instance the following format “{1} : {3:.2f} F1: {2:.7f} +/- {4:.2f}” will remove the Id, show position with 7 digits after the comma, and will show width

you can change the report and full default values by setting pk.__class__.report_format and pk.__class__.full_format which class attributes

report_format = '{}, {}, {:.2f}, {:.2f}'
class spike.plugins.Peaks.Peak1DList(*arg, **kwds)[source]

Bases: spike.plugins.Peaks.PeakList

store a list of 1D peaks contains the array version of the Peak1D object : self.pos is the numpy array of the position of all the peaks and self[k] is the kth Peak1D object of the list

display(peak_label=False, peak_mode='marker', zoom=None, show=False, f=<function _identity>, color='red', marker='x', markersize=6, figure=None, scale=1.0, NbMaxPeaks=1000, markerdict=None, labeldict=None)[source]

displays 1D peaks zoom is in index peak_mode is either “marker” “bar” or “None” (to be used to just add labels) NbMaxPeaks is the maximum number of peaks to display in the zoom window (show only the largest) f() should be a function which converts from points to current display scale - typically npk.axis1.itoc

peakaggreg(distance, maxdist=None, method='max')[source]

aggregates 1D peaks in peaklist if peaks are closer than a given distance in pixel check peak_aggreg() for detailed doc


adds the 1D peaklist pkl2 to self - (no check on pkl2)

property pos

returns a numpy array of the positions in index


use pos in current unit, using converion f and set it as label for each peak

report(f=<function _identity>, file=None, format=None, NbMaxPeaks=1000)[source]

print the peak list f is a function used to transform respectively the coordinates indentity function is default, for instance you can use something like d.peaks.report(f=d.axis1.itop) to get ppm values on a NMR dataset

check documentation for Peak1D.report() for details on output format

class spike.plugins.Peaks.Peak2D(Id, label, intens, posF1, posF2)[source]

Bases: spike.plugins.Peaks.Peak

a class to store a single 2D peak defines in addition to Peak posF1 posF2 positions in F1 and F2 of the peak in index relative to the typed (real/complex) axis widthF1 …F2 widthes of the peak in index posF1_err … uncertainty of the previous values widthF1_err …

full_format = '{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, '
report(f1=<function _identity>, f2=<function _identity>, format=None)[source]

print the peak list f1, f2 are two functions used to transform respectively the coordinates in F1 and F2 indentity function is default, for instance you can use something like peaks.report(f1=s.axis1.itop, f2=s.axis2.itop) to get ppm values on a NMR dataset order is “id, label, posF1, posF2, intensity, widthF1, widthF2”

printed parameters are : Id label posF1 posF2 intens widthF1 widthF2 posF1_err posF2_err intens_err widthF1_err widthF2_err

By default returns only the 5 first fields with 2 digits, but the format keyword can change that. format values: - None or “report”, the standard value is used: “{}, {}, {:.2f}, {:.2f}, {:.2f}”

(so only the four first parameters are shown)

  • “full” is all parrameters at full resolution ( “{}; “*12 )

  • any othe string following the format syntxa will do.

    you can use any formating syntax. So for instance the following format “{1} : {4:.2f} F1: {2:.7f} +/- {5:.2f} X F2: {3:.7f} +/- {6:.2f}” will remove the Id, show position with 7 digits after the comma, and will show widthes

report_format = '{}, {}, {:.2f}, {:.2f}, {:.2f}'
class spike.plugins.Peaks.Peak2DList(*arg, **kwds)[source]

Bases: spike.plugins.Peaks.PeakList

store a list of 2D peaks contains the array version of the Peak2D object : self.posF1 is the numpy array of the position of all the peaks and self[k] is the kth Peak2D object of the list

display(axis=None, peak_label=False, zoom=None, show=False, f1=<function _identity>, f2=<function _identity>, color=None, markersize=6, figure=None, NbMaxPeaks=1000, markerdict=None, labeldict=None)[source]

displays 2D peak list zoom is in index f1 and f2 should be functions which convert from points to current display scale - typically npk.axis1.itoc npk.axis2.itoc

property posF1

returns a numpy array of the F1 positions in index

property posF2

returns a numpy array of the F2 positions in index

report(f1=<function _identity>, f2=<function _identity>, file=None, format=None, NbMaxPeaks=1000)[source]

print the peak list f1, f2 are two functions used to transform respectively the coordinates in F1 and F2 indentity function is default, for instance you can use something like d.peaks.export(f1=s.axis1.itop, f2=s.axis2.itop) to get ppm values on a NMR dataset the file keyword allows to redirect the output to a file object

check documentation for Peak2D.report() for details on output format

class spike.plugins.Peaks.PeakList(*arg, **kwds)[source]

Bases: collections.UserList

the class generic to all peak lists

property intens

returns a numpy array of the intensities

property label

returns an array of the labels


sort the peaklist in decresing order of intensities

class spike.plugins.Peaks.PeakTests(methodName='runTest')[source]

Bases: unittest.case.TestCase


test 1D peak picker


test 2D peak picker


test 1D peak aggregator

spike.plugins.Peaks.center(x, xo, intens, width)[source]

the centroid definition, used to fit the spectrum x can be a nparray FWMH is sqrt(2) x width.

spike.plugins.Peaks.center2d(yx, yo, xo, intens, widthy, widthx)[source]

the 2D centroid, used to fit 2D spectra - si center() xy is [x0, y_0, x_1, y_1, …, x_n-1, y_n-1] - is 2*n long for n points, returns [z_0, z_1, … z_n-1]

spike.plugins.Peaks.centroid(npkd, *arg, **kwarg)[source]
spike.plugins.Peaks.centroid1d(npkd, npoints=3, reset_label=True, cure_outliers=True)[source]

from peak lists determined with peak() realize a centroid fit of the peak summit and width, will use npoints values around center (npoints has to be odd) computes Full width at half maximum updates in data peak list reset_label when True (default) reset the labels of FTMS datasets cure_outliers : restore peaks with pathological parameters TODO : update uncertainties

spike.plugins.Peaks.centroid2d(npkd, npoints_F1=3, npoints_F2=3)[source]

from peak lists determined with peak() realize a centroid fit of the peak summit and width, computes Full width at half maximum updates in data peak list

TODO : update uncertainties

spike.plugins.Peaks.display_peaks(npkd, peak_label=False, peak_mode='marker', zoom=None, show=False, color=None, markersize=6, figure=None, scale=1.0, NbMaxPeaks=1000, markerdict=None, labeldict=None)[source]

display the content of the peak list, peak_mode is either “marker” (default) or “bar” (1D only) zoom is in current unit.

spike.plugins.Peaks.peak_aggreg(pklist, distance, maxdist=None, method='max')[source]

aggregates 1D peaks in peaklist if peaks are closer than a given distance in pixel distance : if two consecutive peaks are less than distance (in points), they are aggregated if maxdist is not None, this is the maximal distance to the largest peak method is either ‘max’ or ‘mean’

spike.plugins.Peaks.peakpick(npkd, threshold=None, zoom=None, autothresh=3.0, verbose=False)[source]

performs a peak picking of the current experiment threshold is the level above which peaks are picked

None (default) means that autothresh*(noise level of dataset) will be used - using d.robust_stats() as proxy for noise-level

zoom defines the region on which detection is made

zoom is in currentunit (same syntax as in display) None means the whole data

spike.plugins.Peaks.peaks1d(npkd, threshold, zoom=None)[source]

math code for NPKData 1D peak picker

spike.plugins.Peaks.peaks2d(npkd, threshold, zoom)[source]

math code for NPKData 2D peak picker

spike.plugins.Peaks.pk2pandas(npkd, full=False)[source]

export extract of current peak list to pandas Dataframe - in current unit if full is False (default), the uncertainty are not listed uses nmr or ms version depending on data_type

spike.plugins.Peaks.pk2pandas_ms(npkd, full=False)[source]

export extract of current peak list to pandas Dataframe for MS datasets

spike.plugins.Peaks.pk2pandas_nmr(npkd, full=False)[source]

export extract of current peak list to pandas Dataframe for NMR datasets

spike.plugins.Peaks.report_peaks(npkd, file=None, format=None, NbMaxPeaks=1000)[source]

print the content of the peak list, using the current unit

if file should be an already opened writable file stream. if None, output will go to stdout

for documentation, check Peak1D.report() and Peak2D.report()

spike.plugins.bcorr module

set of function for the baseline correction

First version - Not finished !

improved July 2016

spike.plugins.bcorr.autopoints(npkd, Npoints=8, modulus=True)[source]

computes Npoints (defaut 8) positions for a spline baseline correction

spike.plugins.bcorr.bcorr(npkd, method='spline', xpoints=None, nsmooth=0, modulus=True)[source]

recapitulate all baseline correction methods, only 1D so far

method is either

use bcorr_auto, uses an automatic determination of the baseline does not work with negative peaks.


simple 1D correction


a cubic spline correction

both linear and spline use an additional list of pivot points ‘xpoints’ used to calculate the baseline if xpoints absent, pivots are estimated automaticaly if xpoints is integer, it determines the number of computed pivots (defaut is 8 if xpoints is None) if xpoints is a list of integers, there will used as pivots

if nsmooth >0, buffer is smoothed by moving average over 2*nsmooth+1 positions around pivots. if dataset is complex, the xpoints are computed on the modulus spectrum, unless modulus is False

default is spline with automatic detection of 8 baseline points

spike.plugins.bcorr.bcorr_auto(npkd, iterations=10, nbchunks=40, degree=1, nbcores=2, smooth=True)[source]

applies an automatic baseline correction

Find baseline by using low norm value and then high norm value to attract the baseline on the small values. Parameters : iterations : number of iterations for convergence toward the small values. nbchunks : number of chunks on which is done the minimization. Typically, each chunk must be larger than the peaks. degree : degree of the polynome used for approaching each signal chunk. nbcores : number of cores used for minimizing in parallel on many chunks (if not None)

smooth i True, applies a final Savitsky-Golay smoothing

spike.plugins.bcorr.get_ypoints(buff, xpoints, nsmooth=0)[source]

from buff and xpoints, returns ypoints = buff[xpoints] eventually smoothed by moving average over 2*nsmooth+1 positions

spike.plugins.bcorr.linear_interpolate(npkd, xpoints, axis='F2', nsmooth=0)[source]

” compute and applies a linear function as a baseline correction xpoints are the location of pivot points

spike.plugins.bcorr.spline_interpolate(npkd, xpoints, axis='F2', nsmooth=0)[source]

” compute and applies a spline function as a baseline correction xpoints are the location of pivot points

spike.plugins.fastclean module

A utility to set to zero all points below a ratio

spike.plugins.fastclean.fastclean(npkd, nsigma=2.0, nbseg=20, axis=0)[source]

set to zeros all points below nsigma times the noise level This allows the corresponding data-set, once stored to file, to be considerably more compressive.

nsigma: float

the ratio used, typically 1.0 to 3.0 (higher compression)

nbseg: int

the number of segments used for noise evaluation, see util.signal_tools.findnoiselevel

axis: int

the axis on which the noise is evaluated, default is fastest varying dimension

spike.plugins.gaussenh module

Gaussian enhancement apodisation

d.gaussenh(width, enhancement=1.0, axis=0)

apply an gaussian enhancement, width is in Hz enhancement is the strength of the effect axis is either F1, or F2 in 2D, 0 is default axis. multiplies by gauss(width) * exp(-enhancement*width)

Created by DELSUC Marc-André on February 2019 Copyright (c) 2019 IGBMC. All rights reserved.

spike.plugins.gaussenh.gaussenh(npkd, width, enhancement=2.0, axis=0)[source]

apply an gaussian enhancement, width is in Hz enhancement is the strength of the effect multiplies by gauss(width) * exp(-enhancement*width)

spike.plugins.rem_ridge module

removes ridges in 2D

Created by Marc-André on 2011-08-15. Copyright (c) 2011 IGBMC. All rights reserved.


This function removes a F1 ridge by evaluating a mean avalue over the last 10% data of each column of a 2D

spike.plugins.sane module

plugin for Sane denoising

This plugin implements the SANE denoising algorithm, SANE is inspired from urQRd algorithm, but is improved in several points

  • faster on vector length != 2**n

  • much more efficient on weak signals

  • requires less iterations and less overestimate of rank

  • however, a non productive iteration is always performed, so processing time for I iterations of SANE should be compared with I+1 iterations of urQRd.

associated publications - Bray, F., Bouclon, J., Chiron, L., Witt, M., Delsuc, M.-A., & Rolando, C. (2017).

Nonuniform Sampling Acquisition of Two-Dimensional Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry for Increased Mass Resolution of Tandem Mass Spectrometry Precursor Ions. Analytical Chemistry, acs.analchem.7b01850. http://doi.org/10.1021/acs.analchem.7b01850

  • Chiron, L., van Agthoven, M. A., Kieffer, B., Rolando, C., & Delsuc, M.-A. (2014). Efficient denoising algorithms for large experimental datasets and their applications in Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. PNAS , 111(4), 1385–1390. http://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1306700111

spike.plugins.sane.sane_plugin(npkd, rank, orda=None, iterations=1, axis=0, trick=True, optk=False, ktrick=False)[source]

Apply “sane” denoising to data rank is about 2 x number_of_expected_lines Manages real and complex cases. Handles the case of hypercomplex for denoising of 2D FTICR for example.

sane algorithm. Name stands for Support Selection for Noise Elimination. From a data series return a denoised series denoised data : the series to be denoised - a (normally complex) numpy buffer rank : the rank of the analysis orda : is the order of the analysis

internally, a Hankel matrix (M,N) is constructed, with M = orda and N = len(data)-orda+1 if None (default) orda = (len(data)+1)/2

iterations : the number of time the operation should be repeated optk : if set to True will calculate the rank giving the best recovery for an automatic estimated noise level. trick : permits to enhanced the denoising by using a cleaned signal as the projective space. “Support Selection” ktrick : if a value is given, it permits to change the rank on the second pass.

The idea is that for the first pass a rank large enough as to be used to compensate for the noise while for the second pass a lower rank can be used.

spike.plugins.sg module

set of function Savitsky-Golay smoothing

spike.plugins.sg.sg(npkd, window_size, order, deriv=0, axis=0)[source]

applies Savitzky-Golay of order filter to data window_size : int

the length of the window. Must be an odd integer number.


the order of the polynomial used in the filtering. Must be less than window_size - 1.

deriv: int

the order of the derivative to compute (default = 0 means only smoothing)

axis: int

the axis on which the filter is to be applied, default is fastest varying dimension

spike.plugins.sg.sg2D(npkd, window_size, order, deriv=None)[source]

applies a 2D Savitzky-Golay of order filter to data window_size : int

the length of the square window. Must be an odd integer number.


the order of the polynomial used in the filtering. Must be less than window_size - 1.

deriv: None, ‘col’, or ‘row’. ‘both’ mode does not work.

the direction of the derivative to compute (default = None means only smoothing)

can be applied to a 2D only.

spike.plugins.test module

Test procedure for plugins

spike.plugins.test.fake(dd, title)[source]

fake method

spike.plugins.urQRd module

plugin for the urQRd denoising method

class spike.plugins.urQRd.urQRdTests(methodName='runTest')[source]

Bases: unittest.case.TestCase

spike.plugins.urQRd.urqrd(npkd, k, orda=None, iterations=1, axis=0)[source]

Apply urQRd denoising to data k is about 2 x number_of_expected_lines Manages real and complex cases. Handles the case of hypercomplex for denoising of 2D FTICR for example.

spike.plugins.zoom3D module

Module contents

Plug-ins for the Spike package

All the plugin files located in the spike/plugins folder are loaded automatically when import importing spike the first time.

the variable spike.plugins.plugins contains the list of the loaded plugin modules.

It is allways possible to load a plugin afterward by import a plugin definition at a later time during run-time.

Each plugin file should define the needed functions :

def myfunc(npkdata, args):

“myfunc doc” …do whatever, assuming npkdata is a NPKData return npkdata # THIS is important, that is the standard NPKData mechanism

and register them into NPKData as follows : NPKData_plugin(“myname”, myfunc)

then, any NPKData will inherit the myname() method

For the moment, only NPKData plugins are handled.

class spike.plugins.PluginTests(methodName='runTest')[source]

Bases: unittest.case.TestCase


Test of plugin mechanism


the load() function is called at initialization, and loads all files found in the plugins folders typically

  • plugins folder in distribution

  • $HOME/Spike/plugins

spike.plugins.loadfolder(folder, debug=True)[source]

the loads plugins from a given folder import all python code found here except the ones with names starting with a _

spike.plugins.loadone(pluginname, pgfile=None, debug=True)[source]

loads the plugin “pluginname” found in file pgfile if pgfile is None, the file is found in the plugins folder (adding the .py extension)

spike.plugins.report(module=None, mode=None)[source]

print a nice report mode=choose the verbosity

“short”: only one line (default) “detailed”: with list of all added methods “full”: prints the whole plugin doc