spike.Algo package


spike.Algo.BC module

This module contains several utilities for baseline correction of spectra

Created by Marc-Andre on 2015-03-26.

Modification by Lionel 2015-07-10

class spike.Algo.BC.BC_Tests(methodName='runTest')[source]

Bases: unittest.case.TestCase


tests the poly function

spike.Algo.BC.baseline0(y, degree=2, power=1, method='Powell', chunksize=2000, nbcores=None, ratiocov=0.7)[source]

compute a piece-wise baseline on y using fitpolyL1 degree : is the degree of the underlying polynome power : norm for the approximation chunksize : defines the size of the pieces. nbcores : number of cores used for parallelization of the calculations. ratiocov : covering ratio of the chunks y - baseline(y) produces a baseline corrected spectrum

spike.Algo.BC.baseline1(y, degree=2, chunksize=2000)[source]

compute a piece-wise baseline on y using fitpolyL1 degree is the degree of the underlying polynome chunksize defines the size of the pieces a cosine roll-off is used to smooth out chunks junctions

y - baseline(y) produces a baseline corrected spectrum

spike.Algo.BC.bcL1(y, degree=2, power=1, method='Powell')[source]

compute a baseline on y using fitpolyL1


compute a baseline on y using fitpolyL1 for the parallel case.

spike.Algo.BC.correctbaseline(y, iterations=1, nbchunks=100, firstpower=0.3, secondpower=7, degree=1, chunkratio=1.0, interv_ignore=None, method='Powell', nbcores=None, debug=False, choiceBL=0, ratiocov=0.7)[source]

Find baseline by using low norm value and then high norm value to attract the baseline on the small values. Parameters : iterations : number of iterations for convergence toward the small values. nbchunks : number of chunks on which is done the minimization. Typically, each chunk must be larger than the peaks. firstpower : norm used for the first iterate secondpower : norm used for attracting the curve toward the lowest values. firstdeg : degree used for the first minimization degree : degree of the polynome used for approaching each signal chunk. chunkratio : ratio for changing the chunksize inside main loop interv_ignore : ignore a given intervall in the spectrum (eg : avoids issues with water pick) method : Algorithm used for minimization on each chunk nbcores : number of cores used for minimizing in parallel on many chunks (if not None) debug : if debug is set to True, the dictionary bls is built ratiocov : covering ratio of the chunks. High recovering ratios seem to give better results. By default ratiocov = 0.7

spike.Algo.BC.fitpolyL1(x, y, degree=2, power=1, method='Powell')[source]

fit with L1 norm a polynome to a function y over x, returns coefficients

spike.Algo.BC.poly(x, coeff)[source]

computes the polynomial over x with coeff

spike.Algo.CS_transformations module

Authors: Marc-André Last modified: 2011/11/18.

adapted by Lionel on 2013-3-6. Copyright (c) 2011 IGBMC. All rights reserved.


Reads data from the sampling file, used by sampling_load()


Reads the sampling parameters. used by sampling_load()


Loads a sampling protocole from a list of indices stored in a file named addr_sampling_file returns an nparray with the sampling scheme.

i.e. if b is a full dataset, b[sampling] is the sampled one

class spike.Algo.CS_transformations.transformations(size_image, size_mesure, sampling=None, debug=0)[source]

Bases: object

this class contains methods which are tools to generate transform and ttransform. ttrans form data to image trans from image to data.


dumps content


apply a sampling function - using self.sampling


transform to data. Passing from s (image) to x (data) pre_ft() : s->s ft() : s->x - fft.ifft by default - should not change size post_ft() : x->x - typically : broadening, sampling, truncating, etc…


transpose of the sampling function


the transpose of transform Passing from x to s (data to image)


spike.Algo.Cadzow module


Created by Marc-André on 2010-03-18. Copyright (c) 2010 IGBMC. All rights reserved.

class spike.Algo.Cadzow.CadzowTest(methodName='runTest')[source]

Bases: unittest.case.TestCase

  • Testing Cadzow mathematics -

assertAlmostList(a, b, places=7)[source]

apply asserAlmostEqual on two list of numbers


utility that returns the modulus of the fft of v


============= a demo / test of cadzow noise cleaning technique ============== applied on an additive noise


utility for cadzow2d - has to be at top level

spike.Algo.Cadzow.cadzow(data_arg, n_of_line=5, n_of_iter=5, orda=10)[source]

apply the cadzow procedure to remove noise from the current FID. should be followed with an FT or an LP-SVD analysis

will return a dataset of the same type (float or cpx) as the input

will do nothing if the data is null

spike.Algo.Cadzow.cadzow1d(d1D, n_of_line=5, n_of_iter=5, orda=100)[source]

applies the cadzow procedure to a 1D dataset

spike.Algo.Cadzow.cadzow2d(d2D, n_of_line=5, n_of_iter=5, orda=100, mp=True, N_proc=None, verbose=1)[source]

applies the cadzow procedure to all columns of the 2D

if mp, does it in a multiprocessing fashion using multiprocessing.Pool() if N_proc is None, finds the optimum numer itself. verbose = 1 is minimum output, verbose 0 is no output

spike.Algo.Cadzow.cadzow2dmp(d2D, n_of_line=5, n_of_iter=5, orda=100, mp=True, N_proc=None, verbose=1)

applies the cadzow procedure to all columns of the 2D

if mp, does it in a multiprocessing fashion using multiprocessing.Pool() if N_proc is None, finds the optimum numer itself. verbose = 1 is minimum output, verbose 0 is no output

spike.Algo.Cadzow.dt2svd(data, orda=5)[source]

computes SVD at order ‘orda’ from current 1D data (FID) data should be a numpy complex 1D array

Calculates the rectangular matrix X(size-order,order) from the data and perform its singular value decomposition. This is the first step of the LP-SVD spectral analysis method. The same singular value decomposition can be used to perform forward and backward analysis.

data is untouched

returns (U, S, Vh)

see also : svd2dt svdlist svdclean1 svd2ar

spike.Algo.Cadzow.svd2dt(U, S, V)[source]

Recalculate the data which would produce the SVD decomposition U S V, Does this by approximating the Hankel data matrix x from the svd and u,v

U S V are untouched,

return data

see also : dt2svd svdclean svd2ar

spike.Algo.Cadzow.svdclean(svd, keep=0, threshold=0, remove=1)[source]

removes noise related features from a svd spectrum two methods available (uses whichever is available (eventually both)): keep != 0 : the number of svd to keep threshold != 0 : the minimum value to keep when remove == 1, the mean power of the removed SVD is removed from the remaining ones

svd is untouched

spike.Algo.Cadzow_mpi module

spike.Algo.Cadzow_mpi2 module

spike.Algo.Laplace module

spike.Algo.Linpredic module

Adaptation of code from :

file CollombBurg.py author/translator Ernesto P. Adorio

UPDEPP (UP Clark) ernesto.adorio@gmail.com

Version 0.0.1 jun 11, 2010 # first release. References Burg’s Method, Algorithm and Recursion, pp. 9-11

Created by Lionel on 2011-09-18. Removed the “for loops” so as to speed up using numpy capabilities. Copyright (c) 2010 IGBMC. All rights reserved.

class spike.Algo.Linpredic.LinpredTests(methodName='runTest')[source]

Bases: unittest.case.TestCase

  • Testing linear prediction , Burg algorithm-


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

  • testing burg algo -

spike.Algo.Linpredic.burgc(lprank, data)[source]

Based on Gifa code Burgs Method, algorithm and recursion

lprank - number of lags in autoregressive model. data - complex data vector to approximate.

returns ar, pow1, error

spike.Algo.Linpredic.burgr(m, x)[source]

Based on Collomb’s C++ code, pp. 10-11 Burgs Method, algorithm and recursion

m - number of lags in autoregressive model. x - real data vector to approximate.

spike.Algo.Linpredic.denoise(data, ar)[source]

returned a denoised version of “data”, using “ar” polynomial first len(ar) points are untouched.


simple norme definition

spike.Algo.Linpredic.predict(data, ar, length)[source]

returns a vector with additional points, predicted at the end of “data” up to total size “length”, using “ar” polynomial

spike.Algo.SL0 module

SL0 from http://ee.sharif.ir/~SLzero/

Authors: Massoud Babaie-Zadeh and Hossein Mohimani Version: 1.3 Last modified: 4 August 2008.

adapted to numpy by Marc-André on 2011-11-18. Copyright (c) 2011 IGBMC. All rights reserved.

spike.Algo.SL0.OurDelta(s, sigma)[source]
spike.Algo.SL0.SL0(A, x, sigma_min, sigma_decrease_factor=0.5, mu_0=2, L=3, A_pinv=None, true_s=None)[source]

SL0(A, x, sigma_min, sigma_decrease_factor, mu_0, L, A_pinv, true_s)

Returns the sparsest vector s which satisfies underdetermined system of linear equations A*s=x, using Smoothed L0 (SL0) algorithm. Note that the matrix A should be a ‘wide’ matrix (more columns than rows). The number of the rows of matrix A should be equal to the length of the column vector x.

The first 3 arguments should necessarily be provided by the user. The

other parameters have defult values calculated within the function, or may be provided by the user.

Sequence of Sigma (sigma_min and sigma_decrease_factor):
This is a decreasing geometric sequence of positive numbers:
  • The first element of the sequence of sigma is calculated

automatically. The last element is given by ‘sigma_min’, and the change factor for decreasing sigma is given by ‘sigma_decrease_factor’.

  • The default value of ‘sigma_decrease_factor’ is 0.5. Larger value

gives better results for less sparse sources, but it uses more steps on sigma to reach sigma_min, and hence it requires higher computational cost.

  • There is no default value for ‘sigma_min’, and it should be

provided by the user (depending on his/her estimated source noise level, or his/her desired accuracy). By `noise’ we mean here the noise in the sources, that is, the energy of the inactive elements of ‘s’. For example, by the noiseless case, we mean the inactive elements of ‘s’ are exactly equal to zero. As a rule of tumb, for the noisy case, sigma_min should be about 2 to 4 times of the standard deviation of this noise. For the noiseless case, smaller ‘sigma_min’ results in better estimation of the sparsest solution, and hence its value is determined by the desired accuracy.


The value of mu_0 scales the sequence of mu. For each vlue of

sigma, the value of mu is chosen via mu=mu_0*sigma^2. Note that this value effects Convergence.

The default value is mu_0=2 (see the paper).


number of iterations of the internal (steepest ascent) loop. The

default value is L=3.


is the pseudo-inverse of matrix A defined by A_pinv=A’*inv(A*A’).

If it is not provided, it will be calculated within the function. If you use this function for solving x(t)=A s(t) for different values of ‘t’, it would be a good idea to calculate A_pinv outside the function to prevent its re-calculation for each ‘t’.


is the true value of the sparse solution. This argument is for

simulation purposes. If it is provided by the user, then the function will calculate the SNR of the estimation for each value of sigma and it provides a progress report.

Authors: Massoud Babaie-Zadeh and Hossein Mohimani Version: 1.4 Last modified: 4 April 2010. Web-page: ——————

Code History:

MODIF MAD : FT if true, spacity is evaluated in Fourier space Version 2.0: 4 April 2010

Doing a few small modifications that enable the code to work also for complex numbers (not only for real numbers).

Version 1.3: 13 Sep 2008

Just a few modifications in the comments

Version 1.2: Adding some more comments in the help section

Version 1.1: 4 August 2008
  • Using MATLAB’s pseudo inverse function to generalize for the case the matrix A is not full-rank.

Version 1.0 (first official version): 4 July 2008.

First non-official version and algorithm development: Summer 2006

spike.Algo.SL0.SL0FT(A, x, sigma_min, sigma_decrease_factor=0.5, mu_0=2, L=3, A_pinv=None, true_s=None)[source]

Simplistic implementation of FT in SL0 same argument as SL0,

A is a sampling/scrambling matrix if A is identity, trunctation or random sampling, then A_pinv should be provided as A.T

class spike.Algo.SL0.SL0_Tests(methodName='runTest')[source]

Bases: unittest.case.TestCase


from http://nuit-blanche.blogspot.com/2011/11/how-to-wow-your-friends-in-high-places.html code from Igor Carron

spike.Algo.SL0.SL0gene(transf, ttransf, x, sigma_min, sigma_decrease_factor=0.5, mu_0=2, L=3, true_s=None)[source]

general implementation of SL0 most arguments as SL0

transform and ttransform are generalized linear operation simplistic implementation could be : def trans(s):

“transform s to x” return np.dot(A, fft.ifft(s) )

def ttrans(x):

“ttransform x to s” return fft.fft(np.dot(A_pinv, x))

just write your own (eventually algorithmic) or used provided ones

spike.Algo.SL0.estimate_SNR(estim_s, true_s)[source]
class spike.Algo.SL0.transformations(size_image, size_mesure, debug=0)[source]

Bases: object

this class contains methods which are tools to generate transform and ttransform functions needed by convergence algorithms


apply a sampling function - using self.sampling


transform s (image) to x (data) pre_ft() : s->s ft() : s->x - fft.ifft by default - should not change size post_ft() : x->x - typically : broadening, sampling, truncating, etc…


transpose of the sampling function


the transpose of transform transform x to s

spike.Algo.SL0_test module

spike.Algo.maxent module


Created by Marc-André on 2012-03-06. Copyright (c) 2012 IGBMC. All rights reserved.

class spike.Algo.maxent.ExpData(data)[source]

Bases: object

Implement an experimental data to be analysed Combined with the definition of the transform ( TransferFunction ), defines the scene for the MaxEnt solver

class spike.Algo.maxent.MaxEnt(transferfunction, expdata, iterations=10, debug=0)[source]

Bases: object

implements the Maximum Entropy solver

given M finds the minimum of Q = S(M) - lamb*Chi2(M) with lamb such that Chi2(M) is normalized


the Q function returns the value of -Q for a given image -Q so that it can be minimized


used when no valid step is found

do_chisquare(image, mode='derivative')[source]

computes chi2 (scalar) and its derivative (array), computed between the current image

and self.expdata which is the experimental data

returned as (chi2, dchi2) if mode != ‘derivative’ then only chi2 is computed, and returned

do_entropy(image, mode='derivative')[source]

computes the entropy S (scalar) and its derivative (array), computed on image returned as (S, dS) if mode != ‘derivative’ then only S is computed, and returned

drive_conv(dchi, dS)[source]

returns (conv, lambda_optim) given the derivative dchi and dS, and the current settings


report internal state values


returns a set of array, which describe the way convergence was handled returns self.iter The number of iteration performed so far self.image The final image obtained on the last iteration self.chi2 The chi2 obtained on the last iteration self.S The entropy obtained on the last iteration self.sum The integral of self.image self.lamb The lambda obtained on the last iteration self.dchi2 The derivative of chi2 obtained on the last iteration self.dS The derivative of S obtained on the last iteration (following are [] if self.debug==0 ) self.lchi2 The list of chi2 values since the beginning self.lentropy The list of S values since the beginning self.llamb The list of lambda values since the beginning


Set-up internal MaxEnt parameters so that a kind of optimal state is given

mode can be (case insensitive)

“Descent” “Newton” “Gifa” “default” : currently sets to Descent

modifies (M the MaxEnt instance):

M.algo M.exptang M.lambdacont M.lambdamax M.lambdasp M.miniter M.stepmax


a local and linearized version of the exponential exptang is the tangent point


main entry point for MaxEnt after having been initialised, and all attributes set, calling solve will realize the MaxEnt convergence.

after having called solve(), the following fields are updated : (see self.report_convergence()) self.iter The number of iteration performed so far self.image The final image obtained on the last iteration self.chi2 The chi2 obtained on the last iteration self.S The entropy obtained on the last iteration self.sum The integral of self.image self.lamb The lambda obtained on the last iteration self.dchi2 The derivative of chi2 obtained on the last iteration self.dS The derivative of S obtained on the last iteration the following will be populated only if self.debug>0 : self.lchi2 The list of chi2 values since the beginning self.lentropy The list of S values since the beginning self.llamb The list of lambda values since the beginning

update_lambda(newlambda, inc=0.5)[source]

moves self.lamb to new value, using new value newlambda as internal control typically : l = l (1-inc) * l inc restricted to +/- lambdamax

class spike.Algo.maxent.TransferFunction[source]

Bases: object

defines the transfert functions for a given problem to be solved by MaxEnt data <– transform – image The experimental transfer function data – t_transform –> image The transpose of `transform’

must implement

transform() // defined above t_transform() init_transform() norm // the norm of the transform operator, defined as ||tr(x)|| / ||x||


each transform/ttransform pair should have its initialisation code


default method for transform here, simple convolution by a 5 pixel rectangle


default method for transform here, simple convolution by a 5 pixel rectangle

spike.Algo.maxent.d_entropy_Gifa(F, S, sc)[source]

compute the derivative of entropy of the ndarray a, given entropy S and scaling value sc Gifa : dS/dFi = -1/sc (S+log(Fi/A))

spike.Algo.maxent.d_entropy_Skilling(F, sc)[source]

compute the derivative of entropy of the ndarray a, given entropy S and scaling value sc Skilling : dS/dFi = -1/sc (1+log(Fi/A))

spike.Algo.maxent.d_entropy_prior(F, A)[source]

compute the derivative of entropy of the ndarray F, given a prior knowledge in ndarray A

spike.Algo.maxent.entropy(F, sc)[source]

compute the entropy of the ndarray a, given scaling value sc S = sum of -Z(i)*LOG(Z(i)), where Z(i) = a(i)/sc )

spike.Algo.maxent.entropy_prior(F, A)[source]

compute the entropy of the ndarray F, given a prior knowledge in ndarray A S = - sum [F(i) - A(i) + F(i)*LOG(F(i)/A(i)) ]

spike.Algo.maxent.estimate_SNR(estim_s, true_s)[source]
spike.Algo.maxent.initial_scene(size=100, sc=1.0)[source]

draw test scene

spike.Algo.maxent.initial_scene_2delta(size=100, sc=1.0)[source]

draw test scene

spike.Algo.maxent.initial_scene_delta(size=100, sc=1.0)[source]

draw test scene

class spike.Algo.maxent.maxent_Tests(methodName='runTest')[source]

Bases: unittest.case.TestCase

setup(size=100, noise=0.1, sc=1)[source]

set-up scene


set-up M fr tests


run MaxEnt test


draw sexp()

spike.Algo.maxent.plot(buf, text=None, fig=0, logy=False)[source]

plot with a text and return the figure number

spike.Algo.rQRd module


Algorithm for denoising time series, named rQRd (standing for random QR denoising)

main function is rQRd(data, rank) data : the series to be denoised rank : the rank of the analysis

Copyright (c) 2013 IGBMC and CNRS. All rights reserved.

Marc-Andr’e Delsuc <madelsuc@unistra.fr> Lionel Chiron <lionel.chiron@gmail.com>

This software is a computer program whose purpose is to compute rQRd denoising.

This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL “http://www.cecill.info”.

As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only with a limited warranty and the software’s author, the holder of the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited liability.

In this respect, the user’s attention is drawn to the risks associated with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore encouraged to load and test the software’s suitability as regards their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the same conditions as regards security.

The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.

Created by Lionel Chiron and Marc-Andr’e on 2012-04-04. version 1.0


Goes from QQH to the datadenoised

spike.Algo.rQRd.dt2Hankel(data, orda)[source]

constructs the Hankel H matrix from the data Build the matrix by sticking shifted column vectors.

spike.Algo.rQRd.rQRd(data, k, orda=None, iterations=1)[source]

rQRd algorithm. Name stands for random QR denoising. From a data series return a denoised series denoised data : the series to be denoised - a (normally complex) numpy buffer k : the rank of the analysis orda : is the order of the analysis

internally, a Hankel matrix (M,N) is constructed, with M = orda and N = len(data)-orda+1 if None (default) orda = (len(data)+1)/2

iterations : the number of time the operation should be repeated

values are such that orda <= (len(data)+1)/2 k < orda N = len(data)-orda+1 Omega is (N x k)

spike.Algo.rQRd.rQRdCore(H, k, Omega)[source]

Core of rQRd algorithm

spike.Algo.rQRd.test_rQRd(lendata=10000, rank=100, orda=4000, noise=200.0, iterations=1, noisetype='additive')[source]

============== example of use of rQRd on a synthetic data-set ===============

spike.Algo.sane module


This version is GPU accelerated, using the cuda library. Speed-up ranges from 2 to 10 depending on board and system. Depending on the size of your inboard GPU memory, the size of the data-set may be limited

main function is sane(data, rank) data : the series to be denoised rank : the rank of the analysis

Copyright (c) 2015 IGBMC. All rights reserved. Marc-Andr’e Delsuc <madelsuc@unistra.fr> Lionel Chiron <lionel.chiron@gmail.com>

This software is a computer program whose purpose is to compute sane denoising.

This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL “http://www.cecill.info”.

As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only with a limited warranty and the software’s author, the holder of the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited liability.

In this respect, the user’s attention is drawn to the risks associated with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore encouraged to load and test the software’s suitability as regards their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the same conditions as regards security.

The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.

First Created by Lionel Chiron and Marc-Andr’e on september 2015. CUDA implementation by Laura Duciel on March 2019

associated publications - Bray, F., Bouclon, J., Chiron, L., Witt, M., Delsuc, M.-A., & Rolando, C. (2017).

Nonuniform Sampling Acquisition of Two-Dimensional Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry for Increased Mass Resolution of Tandem Mass Spectrometry Precursor Ions. Analytical Chemistry, acs.analchem.7b01850. http://doi.org/10.1021/acs.analchem.7b01850

spike.Algo.sane.Cu_FastHankel_prod_mat_vec(gene_vect, prod_vect, k=0)[source]

Compute product of Hankel matrix (gene_vect) by vector prod_vect. H is not computed M is the length of the result k =0 initializes cuda for gene_vect

spike.Algo.sane.Cu_FastHankel_prod_mat_vec_2dt(prod_vect, k, Q)[source]

Compute product of Hankel matrix (gene_vect) by vector prod_vect. H is not computed M is the length of the result k =0 initializes cuda for gene_vect

spike.Algo.sane.Cu_Fast_Hankel2dt(Q, QH)[source]

returning to data from Q and QstarH Based on FastHankel_prod_mat_vec.

spike.Algo.sane.Cu_vec_mean(M, L)[source]

Vector for calculating the mean from the sum on the antidiagonal. data = vec_sum*vec_mean

spike.Algo.sane.FastHankel_prod_mat_mat(gene_vect, matrix)[source]

Fast Hankel structured matrix matrix product based on FastHankel_prod_mat_vec

spike.Algo.sane.FastHankel_prod_mat_vec(gene_vect, prod_vect, k=0)

Compute product of Hankel matrix (gene_vect) by vector prod_vect. H is not computed M is the length of the result

spike.Algo.sane.Fast_Hankel2dt(Q, QH)

returning to data from Q and QstarH Based on FastHankel_prod_mat_vec.

class spike.Algo.sane.OPTK(fid, orda, prec=0.9, debug=False)[source]

Bases: object

Class for finding the best rank for classical sane. The rank is calculated so as to permit the retrieving of the signal power at high enough level. Passed parameters are the Fid “fid”, the estimated number of lines “estim_nbpeaks” and the order “orda”


Finds the optimal rank optk : optimal rank

peaks1d(fid, threshold=0.1)[source]

Extracts peaks from 1d from FID Returns listpk[0]


Signal is separated from Noise and kept in self.spec self.noiselev : level of the noise self.estim_nbpeaks : estimation of the number of peaks in the spectrum


Estimation of the signal and noise subspace filling in function of the rank.

spike.Algo.sane.SFastHankel_prod_mat_vec(gene_vect, prod_vect, k=0)[source]

Compute product of Hankel matrix (gene_vect) by vector prod_vect. H is not computed M is the length of the result

spike.Algo.sane.SFast_Hankel2dt(Q, QH)[source]

returning to data from Q and QstarH Based on FastHankel_prod_mat_vec.

spike.Algo.sane.sane(data, k, orda=None, iterations=1, trick=True, optk=False, ktrick=False)[source]

sane algorithm. Name stands for Support Selection for Noise Elimination. From a data series return a denoised series denoised data : the series to be denoised - a (normally complex) numpy buffer k : the rank of the analysis orda : is the order of the analysis

internally, a Hankel matrix (M,N) is constructed, with M = orda and N = len(data)-orda+1 if None (default) orda = (len(data)+1)/2

iterations : the number of time the operation should be repeated optk : if set to True will calculate the rank giving the best recovery for an automatic estimated noise level. trick : permits to enhanced the denoising by using a cleaned signal as the projective space. “Support Selection” ktrick : if a value is given, it permits to change the rank on the second pass.

The idea is that for the first pass a rank large enough as to be used to compensate for the noise while for the second pass a lower rank can be used.

values are such that orda <= (len(data)+1)//2 k < orda N = len(data)-orda+1 Omega is (N x k)

Sane is based on the same idea than urQRd, however, there is a much clever selection of the basis on which the random projection is performed. This allows a much better recovery of small signals buried into the noise, compared to urQRd.

the flags trick, optk, ktrick control the program when all are false, sane folds back to urQRd algorithm. Optimal is certainly trick = True, optk = True, ktrick = True but not fully tested yet.

sane uses a new trick for performing a better denoising. A rank a little above the number of peaks as to be given. this permit to make a filtering matrix containing the signal quasi only after a first pass. On a second pass the full signal is projected on a new filtering subspace done from preceding denoising. A higher number of iterations will decrease even more the smallest amplitudes. ##########

spike.Algo.sane.saneCore(dd, data, Omega)[source]

Core of sane algorithm

class spike.Algo.sane.sane_Tests(methodName='runTest')[source]

Bases: unittest.case.TestCase


Makes sane without trick and 1 iteration.


Makes sane with trick and varying the number of iterations.

spike.Algo.sane.test_sane(lendata=10000, rank=100, orda=4000, noise=200.0, iterations=1, noisetype='additive')[source]

============== example of use of Sane on a synthetic data-set ===============

spike.Algo.sane.test_sane_gene(lendata=10000, rank=100, orda=4000, nbpeaks=2, noise=50.0, noisetype='additive', nb_iterat=1, trick=False)[source]

============== example of use of sane on a synthetic data-set ===============

spike.Algo.sane.vec_mean(M, L)[source]

Vector for calculating the mean from the sum on the antidiagonal. data = vec_sum*vec_mean

spike.Algo.sane_old module


Algorithm for denoising time series, named sane (standing for “Support Selection for Noise Elimination”)

main function is sane(data, rank) data : the series to be denoised rank : the rank of the analysis

Copyright (c) 2015 IGBMC. All rights reserved. Marc-Andr’e Delsuc <madelsuc@unistra.fr> Lionel Chiron <lionel.chiron@gmail.com>

This software is a computer program whose purpose is to compute sane denoising.

This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL “http://www.cecill.info”.

As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only with a limited warranty and the software’s author, the holder of the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited liability.

In this respect, the user’s attention is drawn to the risks associated with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore encouraged to load and test the software’s suitability as regards their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the same conditions as regards security.

The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.

First Created by Lionel Chiron and Marc-Andr’e on september 2015.

associated publications - Bray, F., Bouclon, J., Chiron, L., Witt, M., Delsuc, M.-A., & Rolando, C. (2017).

Nonuniform Sampling Acquisition of Two-Dimensional Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry for Increased Mass Resolution of Tandem Mass Spectrometry Precursor Ions. Analytical Chemistry, acs.analchem.7b01850. http://doi.org/10.1021/acs.analchem.7b01850

spike.Algo.sane_old.FastHankel_prod_mat_mat(gene_vect, matrix)[source]

Fast Hankel structured matrix matrix product based on FastHankel_prod_mat_vec

spike.Algo.sane_old.FastHankel_prod_mat_vec(gene_vect, prod_vect)[source]

Compute product of Hankel matrix (gene_vect) by vector prod_vect. H is not computed M is the length of the result

spike.Algo.sane_old.Fast_Hankel2dt(Q, QH)[source]

returning to data from Q and QstarH Based on FastHankel_prod_mat_vec.

class spike.Algo.sane_old.OPTK(fid, orda, prec=0.9, debug=False)[source]

Bases: object

Class for finding the best rank for classical sane. The rank is calculated so as to permit the retrieving of the signal power at high enough level. Passed parameters are the Fid “fid”, the estimated number of lines “estim_nbpeaks” and the order “orda”


Finds the optimal rank optk : optimal rank

peaks1d(fid, threshold=0.1)[source]

Extracts peaks from 1d from FID Returns listpk[0]


Signal is separated from Noise and kept in self.spec self.noiselev : level of the noise self.estim_nbpeaks : estimation of the number of peaks in the spectrum


Estimation of the signal and noise subspace filling in function of the rank.

spike.Algo.sane_old.sane(data, k, orda=None, iterations=1, trick=True, optk=False, ktrick=False)[source]

sane algorithm. Name stands for Support Selection for Noise Elimination. From a data series return a denoised series denoised data : the series to be denoised - a (normally complex) numpy buffer k : the rank of the analysis orda : is the order of the analysis

internally, a Hankel matrix (M,N) is constructed, with M = orda and N = len(data)-orda+1 if None (default) orda = (len(data)+1)/2

iterations : the number of time the operation should be repeated optk : if set to True will calculate the rank giving the best recovery for an automatic estimated noise level. trick : permits to enhanced the denoising by using a cleaned signal as the projective space. “Support Selection” ktrick : if a value is given, it permits to change the rank on the second pass.

The idea is that for the first pass a rank large enough as to be used to compensate for the noise while for the second pass a lower rank can be used.

values are such that orda <= (len(data)+1)//2 k < orda N = len(data)-orda+1 Omega is (N x k)

Sane is based on the same idea than urQRd, however, there is a much clever selection of the basis on which the random projection is performed. This allows a much better recovery of small signals buried into the noise, compared to urQRd.

the flags trick, optk, ktrick control the program when all are false, sane folds back to urQRd algorithm. Optimal is certainly trick = True, optk = True, ktrick = True but not fully tested yet.

sane uses a new trick for performing a better denoising. A rank a little above the number of peaks as to be given. this permit to make a filtering matrix containing the signal quasi only after a first pass. On a second pass the full signal is projected on a new filtering subspace done from preceding denoising. A higher number of iterations will decrease even more the smallest amplitudes. ##########

spike.Algo.sane_old.saneCore(dd, data, Omega)[source]

Core of sane algorithm

class spike.Algo.sane_old.sane_Tests(methodName='runTest')[source]

Bases: unittest.case.TestCase


Makes sane without trick and 1 iteration.


Makes sane with trick and varying the number of iterations.

spike.Algo.sane_old.test_sane(lendata=10000, rank=100, orda=4000, noise=200.0, iterations=1, noisetype='additive')[source]

============== example of use of Sane on a synthetic data-set ===============

spike.Algo.sane_old.test_sane_gene(lendata=10000, rank=100, orda=4000, nbpeaks=2, noise=50.0, noisetype='additive', nb_iterat=1, trick=False)[source]

============== example of use of sane on a synthetic data-set ===============

spike.Algo.sane_old.vec_mean(M, L)[source]

Vector for calculating the mean from the sum on the antidiagonal. data = vec_sum*vec_mean

spike.Algo.savitzky_golay module

Smooth (and optionally differentiate) data with a Savitzky-Golay filter.

CODE from http://www.scipy.org/Cookbook/SavitzkyGolay

adapted by M-A Delsuc, august 2011

spike.Algo.savitzky_golay.savitzky_golay(y, window_size, order, deriv=0)[source]

Smooth (and optionally differentiate) data with a Savitzky-Golay filter. The Savitzky-Golay filter removes high frequency noise from data. It has the advantage of preserving the original shape and features of the signal better than other types of filtering approaches, such as moving averages techniques. Parameters ———- y : array_like, shape (N,)

the values of the time history of the signal.


the length of the window. Must be an odd integer number.


the order of the polynomial used in the filtering. Must be less than window_size - 1.

deriv: int

the order of the derivative to compute (default = 0 means only smoothing)

ysndarray, shape (N)

the smoothed signal (or it’s n-th derivative).

The Savitzky-Golay is a type of low-pass filter, particularly suited for smoothing noisy data. The main idea behind this approach is to make for each point a least-square fit with a polynomial of high order over a odd-sized window centered at the point. Examples ——– t = np.linspace(-4, 4, 500) y = np.exp( -t**2 ) + np.random.normal(0, 0.05, t.shape) ysg = savitzky_golay(y, window_size=31, order=4) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(t, y, label=’Noisy signal’) plt.plot(t, np.exp(-t**2), ‘k’, lw=1.5, label=’Original signal’) plt.plot(t, ysg, ‘r’, label=’Filtered signal’) plt.legend() plt.show() References ———- .. [1] A. Savitzky, M. J. E. Golay, Smoothing and Differentiation of

Data by Simplified Least Squares Procedures. Analytical Chemistry, 1964, 36 (8), pp 1627-1639.


Numerical Recipes 3rd Edition: The Art of Scientific Computing W.H. Press, S.A. Teukolsky, W.T. Vetterling, B.P. Flannery Cambridge University Press ISBN-13: 9780521880688

spike.Algo.savitzky_golay.savitzky_golay2D(z, window_size, order, derivative=None)[source]

realises Savitzky-Golay smoothing in 2D. see savitzky_golay() for more information

spike.Algo.savitzky_golay.sgolay_coef(window_size, order, deriv=0)[source]

compute savistki-golay coefficients

spike.Algo.savitzky_golay.sgolay_comp(y, m, window_size)[source]

apply savistki-golay filter on y from previously computed savistki-golay coefficients : m


spike.Algo.urQRd module


Algorithm for denoising time series, named urQRd (standing for “uncoiled random QR denoising”) main function is urQRd(data, rank) data : the series to be denoised rank : the rank of the analysis

Copyright (c) 2013 IGBMC. All rights reserved.

Marc-Andr’e Delsuc <madelsuc@unistra.fr> Lionel Chiron <lionel.chiron@gmail.com>

This software is a computer program whose purpose is to compute urQRd denoising.

This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL “http://www.cecill.info”.

As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only with a limited warranty and the software’s author, the holder of the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited liability.

In this respect, the user’s attention is drawn to the risks associated with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore encouraged to load and test the software’s suitability as regards their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the same conditions as regards security.

The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.

Created by Lionel Chiron and Marc-Andr’e on 2013-10-13.

version 2.0 28/oct/2013

spike.Algo.urQRd.FastHankel_prod_mat_mat(gene_vect, matrix)[source]

Fast Hankel structured matrix matrix product based on FastHankel_prod_mat_vec

spike.Algo.urQRd.FastHankel_prod_mat_vec(gene_vect, prod_vect)[source]

Compute product of Hankel matrix (gene_vect) by vector prod_vect. H is not computed M is the length of the result

spike.Algo.urQRd.Fast_Hankel2dt(Q, QH)[source]

returning to data from Q and QstarH Based on FastHankel_prod_mat_vec.

spike.Algo.urQRd.test_urQRd(lendata=10000, rank=100, orda=4000, noise=200.0, iterations=1, noisetype='additive')[source]

============== example of use of urQRd on a synthetic data-set ===============

spike.Algo.urQRd.urQRd(data, k, orda=None, iterations=1)[source]

urQRd algorithm. Name stands for uncoiled random QR denoising. From a data series return a denoised series denoised data : the series to be denoised - a (normally complex) numpy buffer k : the rank of the analysis orda : is the order of the analysis

internally, a Hankel matrix (M,N) is constructed, with M = orda and N = len(data)-orda+1 if None (default) orda = (len(data)+1)/2

iterations : the number of time the operation should be repeated

values are such that orda <= (len(data)+1)/2 k < orda N = len(data)-orda+1 Omega is (N x k)

spike.Algo.urQRd.urQRdCore(data, orda, Omega)[source]

Core of urQRd algorithm

spike.Algo.urQRd.vec_mean(M, L)[source]

Vector for calculating the mean from the sum on the antidiagonal. data = vec_sum*vec_mean

Module contents

Created by Marc-André on 2011-03-20. Copyright (c) 2011 IGBMC. All rights reserved.
