Source code for spike.plugins.specials.bokeh_display

#!/usr/bin/env python 
# encoding: utf-8

"""displays interactive plots through bokeh, allows to save them in html format.

This plugin uses bokeh ( to build and display interactive plots.
It adds npkd.bokeh_fig, a python dictionary containing the styles (colors, lines...) and npkd.bokeh_plot containing the plot itself (bokeh figure format).

To make it work in the notebook add:
	from import show,output_notebook
And do: 

To save the plot in html format after doing npkd.bokeh(show=True):
	from bokeh.resources import CDN
	from bokeh.embed import file_html
	html_text = file_html(npkd.bokeh_plot, CDN, "Title")
	with open("bokehplot.html", "w") as file:

from __future__ import print_function
from spike import NPKError
from spike.NPKData import NPKData_plugin, parsezoom
import numpy as np

import bokeh
import bokeh.plotting as bk
from bokeh.models import Range1d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab

BokehMax = 60000000

[docs]def get_contour_data(ax): """ Get informations about contours created by matplotlib. ax is the input matplotlob contour ax (cf. fig,ax produced by matplotlib) xs and ys are the different contour lines got out of the matplotlib. col is the color corresponding to the lines. """ xs = [] ys = [] col = [] isolevelid = 0 for isolevel in ax.collections: isocol = isolevel.get_color()[0] thecol = 3 * [None] theiso = str(ax.collections[isolevelid].get_array()) isolevelid += 1 for i in range(3): thecol[i] = int(255 * isocol[i]) thecol = '#%02x%02x%02x' % (thecol[0], thecol[1], thecol[2]) for path in isolevel.get_paths(): v = path.vertices x = v[:, 0] y = v[:, 1] xs.append(x.tolist()) ys.append(y.tolist()) col.append(thecol) return xs, ys, col
[docs]def bokeh_display(npkd, scale=1.0, autoscalethresh=3.0, absmax=None, show=False, title=None, label=None, xlabel="_def_", ylabel="_def_", axis=None, image=False, mode3D=False, zoom=None, mpldic={}, dbkdic={}, dfigdic={}, linewidth=1, color=None, plot_width=600, plot_height=400, sizing_mode=None, redraw=False, tools="pan, box_zoom, box_select, reset, save"): """ Display using bokeh instead of matplotlib scale allows to increase the vertical scale of display absmax overwrite the value for the largest point, which will not be computed display is scaled so that the largest point is first computed (and stored in absmax), and then the value at absmax/scale is set full screen show will call at the end, allowing every declared display to be shown on-screen useless in ipython/jupyter notebook title add a title to the bokeh plot label add a label text to plot xlabel, ylabel axes label (default is self.currentunit - use None to remove) axis used as axis if present, axis length should match experiment length in 2D, should be a pair (xaxis,yaxis) image if True, the function will generate the 2D NMR FID of data, if False (Default), the function present contour plots. mode3D not implemented zoom is a tuple defining the zoom window (left,right) or ((F1_limits),(F2_limits)) defined in the current axis unit (points, ppm, m/z etc ....) mpldic a dictionnary passed as is to the matplotlib plot command dbkdic a dictionnary passed as is to populated the parameters of the bokeh graph dfigdic a dictionnary passed as is to populated the content of the bokeh figure linewidth linewidth for the plots (useful for example when using seaborn) color if 1D is the color of the curve, if 2D FID is the palette name to be used, if 2D contour is the color set to be used by matplotlib. plot_width, plot_height width and height of the plot sizing_mode if provided, resize plot according to the window chosen sizes. e.g. "scale_width", "scale_height", "scale_both" tools a string containing the tools to be available for bokeh interactivity. e.g. "pan, box_zoom, box_select, reset, save" (see bokeh doc for more info) """ #Settings global graphical parameters dbk = {} dbk['tools'] = tools dbk['title'] = title if sizing_mode is not None: dbk['sizing_mode'] = sizing_mode else: dbk['plot_width'] = plot_width dbk['plot_height'] = plot_height if npkd.dim == 1: if not absmax: # absmax is the largest point on spectrum, either given from call, or handled internally if not npkd.absmax: # compute it if absent #print "computing absmax...", npkd.absmax = np.nanmax( np.abs(npkd.buffer) ) else: npkd.absmax = absmax mmin = -npkd.absmax/scale mmax = npkd.absmax/scale step = npkd.axis1.itype+1 z1, z2 = parsezoom(npkd,zoom) while (z2-z1)//step > BokehMax: step += 2 if axis is None: ax = npkd.axis1.unit_axis() else: ax = axis # fig.set_xscale(npkd.axis1.units[npkd.axis1.currentunit].scale) # set unit scale (log / linear) # if npkd.axis1.units[npkd.axis1.currentunit].reverse: # set reverse mode # ax.invert_xaxis() if xlabel == "_def_": xlabel = npkd.axis1.currentunit if ylabel == "_def_": ylabel = "a.u." if xlabel is not None: dbk['x_axis_label'] = xlabel if ylabel is not None: dbk['y_axis_label'] = ylabel dbk.update(dbkdic) dbk['x_range'] = (npkd.axis1.itoc(z1), npkd.axis1.itoc(z2)) p = bk.figure(**dbk) dfig = {} dfig['x'] = ax[z1:z2:step] dfig['y'] = npkd.buffer[z1:z2:step].clip(mmin,mmax) dfig['legend'] = label dfig['line_width'] = linewidth dfig['color'] = color dfig.update(dfigdic) p.line(**dfig) npkd.bokeh_fig = dfig npkd.bokeh_plot = p elif npkd.dim == 2 and image: # If image is set to True (Default False) - used to display 2D NMR FID as images bout1 = npkd.axis1.itoc(npkd.size1-1) bout2 = npkd.axis2.itoc(npkd.size2-1) deb1 = npkd.axis1.itoc(0) deb2 = npkd.axis2.itoc(0) dbk['x_range'] = (deb2, bout2) dbk['y_range'] = (deb1, bout1) if xlabel == "_def_": xlabel = npkd.axis2.currentunit if ylabel == "_def_": ylabel = npkd.axis1.currentunit if xlabel is not None: dbk['x_axis_label'] = xlabel if ylabel is not None: dbk['y_axis_label'] = ylabel dbk.update(dbkdic) p = bk.figure(**dbk) dfig = {} dfig['image'] = [npkd.get_buffer().real] if color is None: dfig['palette'] = bokeh.palettes.brewer['OrRd'][9][:-1] + bokeh.palettes.brewer['Blues'][9][::-1] else: dfig['palette'] = color #ex. "Magma256" dfig['x'] = deb2 dfig['y'] = deb1 dfig['dw'] = bout2 dfig['dh'] = bout1 dfig['legend'] = label dfig.update(dfigdic) p.image(**dfig) npkd.bokeh_fig = dfig npkd.bokeh_plot = p elif npkd.dim == 2 and not image: # When image is False, contour plots are generated for display. fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(9,9)) #The figure is created as if it was a classical matplotlib figure z1lo, z1up, z2lo, z2up = parsezoom(npkd,zoom) print(z1lo, z1up, z2lo, z2up) dbk['y_axis_type'] = npkd.axis1.units[npkd.axis1.currentunit].scale # set unit scale (log / linear) for bokeh dbk['y_range'] = (npkd.axis1.itoc(z1lo), npkd.axis1.itoc(z1up)) dbk['x_axis_type'] = npkd.axis2.units[npkd.axis2.currentunit].scale # set unit scale (log / linear) for bokeh dbk['x_range'] = (npkd.axis2.itoc(z2lo), npkd.axis2.itoc(z2up)) npkd.display(scale=scale, autoscalethresh=autoscalethresh, absmax=absmax, show=False, new_fig = False, axis=axis, zoom=zoom, title=None, figure=ax, color=color, mpldic=mpldic) if npkd.axis1.units[npkd.axis1.currentunit].reverse: ax.invert_yaxis() if npkd.axis2.units[npkd.axis2.currentunit].reverse: ax.invert_xaxis() if xlabel == "_def_": xlabel = npkd.axis2.currentunit if ylabel == "_def_": ylabel = npkd.axis1.currentunit if xlabel is not None: dbk['x_axis_label'] = xlabel if ylabel is not None: dbk['y_axis_label'] = ylabel dbk.update(dbkdic) xs, ys, col = get_contour_data(ax) if redraw: npkd.bokeh_fig['xs'] = xs npkd.bokeh_fig['ys'] = ys else: p = bk.figure(**dbk) xs, ys, col = get_contour_data(ax) dfig = {} dfig['xs'] = xs dfig['ys'] = ys dfig['color'] = col dfig.update(dfigdic) p.multi_line(**dfig) npkd.bokeh_fig = dfig npkd.bokeh_plot = p del fig, ax if show: return npkd
NPKData_plugin("bokeh", bokeh_display)